Member's Log in to the Author Project Management System

Access your project worldwide and monitor the progress of each stage.

Keep all your files in one place and link directly with your creative and production team.
Monitor your worldwide sales and royalties from all media 

For centuries authors have been at the wrong end of the food chain. Everyone else gets fed before they do - and they always get left with the crumbs!  Now, big businesses are trying to dictate what authors earn - and it is a pittance! The time has come for authors to fight back and demand their rightful share of book royalties.  Join the campaign and get your voice heard!    CLICK HERE 


AuthorCraft is a writer’s support group which helps authors to find the best route to market and to create a successful business around their books. AuthorCraft is supported by the publishing industry including Literary Agents, Publishers, book printers and other industry professionals.  

Membership of AuthorCraft will help you: 

 AuthorCraft Membership - £25 per month  by subscription

 Join us at out next Author Workshop on the fourth Tuesday of every month at Friend's House, 173 Euston Road (opposite Euston Station) between 6pm and 9pm. To register go to